My top Christmas picks

    1. Best Christmas song- Mistletoe by Justin Bieber

2. Best Christmas treat- sugar cookies!

3. Best Christmas movie- Christmas Chronicles. My favorite quote is “Christmas spirit is more powerful than you could ever imagine. People need Christmas to remind themselves of how good they can be!”

4. Favorite Christmas activity- My favorite Christmas activity is to go tubing at Soldier Hollow, or to stay the night at grand America. We do this every year and it is so fun. Soldier Hollow is a great place and so fun. Grand America Hotel is so fun, you can walk around the hotel and there is a huge gingerbread house!!

5. Christmas gift- I would love to just get shoes and clothes. I don’t have a big gift I want this year, just clothes and shoes. I do want a lot of clothes from Zara.

6. Christmas service project- One service project you can do is you can go to a road home and you can make meals for all the people that don’t have meals to eat. You can also just donate clothes or food. My family have done many services projects. If you see someone on the side of the road and asking for help, help them out and you will make their day.

7. Christmas meme- 

8.Christmas gift to give- I think that a good gift to give to someone would be a winky pillow case with a candle. Everyone loves winky blankets, but did they know there is pillow cases. I have gotten my friends some!!

9. Best Christmas fact- A Christmas wreath is a symbol of love and eternal life.( I had no idea haha)

10. Best Christmas memory- My favorite Christmas memory is just looking back and remembering me as a little girl and getting so excited from all my little toys. I remember putting reindeer food out on Christmas Eve.

Friday Funnies

Oh no, Our table, It’s broken!!

This dog was going down the stairs so fast! I hope it didn’t get hurt!!

This is the cutest dog!! Its so funny because it was mad at its own hiccups!

This is so funny because he was happy to get an avocado!!

This is the cutest and funniest video of babies!!

This video is hilarious! It is so funny! If you watch it you will laugh so hard like I did! Its so funny how the kids and animals reacts! If you want to watch this video watch the first 5 minuets!